Monday, October 31, 2016

Boosting Creativity in the Workplace

A recent research study shows promising developments in the workplace; managers may be able to increase leadership and creativity amongst employees by allowing more autonomy in the decision-making process. In addition, researchers now better understand the effect of creative self-efficacy on employees and how it influences their creativity.

The study measured creativity level by tracking employee behavior at work, for example, creative problem solving or suggesting new ways to complete tasks. Researchers then looked at how the behavior of management impacted employee behavior over time.

The research found that giving employees value within the company, by offering autonomy and freedom in the way the employees’ see fit, will urge them to surpass expectations. This approach worked extremely well with “high uncertainty” employees -- those who typically seek detailed and consistent rules, directives and expectations.

It’s important to note that supervisors must first demonstrate the ability to empower leadership. This behavior is demonstrated by showing increased confidence in an employee’s abilities, involving them in decision making, and acknowledging their high-quality work. It’s essential that this behavior is genuine or employees will not take a creative risk. Even though creativity takes time to grasp, harvesting an atmosphere where the employee has creative self-efficacy will soon lead to an “aha moment.”

Bottom Line: Showing confidence in your employees by empowering them with leadership and decision-making roles may generate increased employee creativity and motivation. When given a leadership role, employees who previously felt inadequate to complete a task gained more confidence and trust for supervisors.


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