Thursday, October 27, 2016

Beans: The #1 Longevity Food

Blue Zones, which began as a National Geographic expedition to find the longest living cultures, recognizes beans as the world’s number one longevity food. Not only are beans loaded with fiber and protein but they are also low in fat and easily added to almost any dish. Beans are versatile and extremely affordable. They are kin to other members of the pulse family such as peas, lentils and chickpeas. Types of beans include black beans, white beans, cannellini beans, kidney beans, great northern beans, black-eyed peas, lima beans and pinto beans. Here are seven fun facts about these nutritious powerhouses:

-Beans are made up of complex carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest, which causes fermentation within the stomach and can result in gas. Consider adding beans into your diet slowly or cooking them with spices such as turmeric, ginger or fennel to decrease gas production. 
-It is recommended to consume about a half cup of beans daily. Blue Zones found that the longest-living populations ate a full cup of beans daily.
-The more colorful the bean, the greater the antioxidants. Antioxidants help prevent cell damage that leads to atherosclerosis, cancer, and other conditions.
-The fiber in beans aids digestion.
-Beans are easier to harvest than one might think. They also put nitrogen back into the soil, which supports a ‘healthy agricultural cycle.’
-Beans are the only food that is considered to be both a vegetable and a protein.
-Fava seeds were found at a 10,000 year-old archaeological site. Beans have been a sustainable crop for generations. They are critical to food security as well as the overall health of our nation.

Bottom Line: Research has long been touting the benefits of adding plant-based foods to your diet. Beans are affordable and convenient; you can enjoy canned beans for a no mess, no prep addition to any meal. If you do choose canned beans, rinse the beans before eating to remove excess sodium.


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