Friday, September 30, 2016

Build a Healthy Lunchbox

It’s every parents' struggle: how do you pack a lunch box with foods that are healthy yet still appealing to your kids? With a few simple tips, you can win the lunch struggle and make school lunch a happy and healthy part of your child’s day.

  • Include your child in preparing their lunch. Give them the opportunity to choose which healthy options they would prefer. They will be more likely to eat all of their lunch instead of throwing it away if they have a choice in their meal selections.
  • Add a fun treat to their lunch. Healthy options include fruit cut into fun shapes or a homemade trail mix.
  • Add color and variety to their lunch. No one wants to eat the same foods every day. Add small portions of colorful fruits and veggies and make sure to mix it up and choose a different fruit and/or veggie each day.
  • Don’t overwhelm your child. A typical school lunch only lasts 20 minutes. Pack them enough food so they can realistically eat during the time period and do not throw their lunch away. Focus on filling their lunch box with foods that are quick and easy to eat.

Bottom Line: A nutritious lunch is important to help your child focus and get through their school day. Finding a happy balance between a lunch that is nutritious and delicious is a win/win for both you and your child! Looking for some lunch box inspiration? Check out these recipes

Visit Wellness Workdays for more information about our worksite wellness programs.

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