Thursday, March 10, 2016

Go Purple to Lower Blood Pressure

Hypertension (HTN) can lead to many dangerous conditions of the heart, such as heart attack, heart failure, and thickening and narrowing of small blood vessels. Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood against the walls of blood vessels. Over time, if the force of blood is consistently high, the tissue that makes up our blood vessels gets stretched and damage occurs. Anthocyanins, a powerful antioxidant, may promote arterial pressure control by reducing the free radicals in our bodies.    

Purple corn has a very deep purple pigment due to a high amount of anthocyanins, a water-soluble pigment that is found in plants. Anthocyanins are part of the family of flavonoids that have been found to have powerful antioxidant effects in animal studies. To investigate the potency of this antioxidant and blood pressure reduction in humans, scientists from Weill Cornell Medical Center and Universidad San Martin de Porres in Peru conducted a randomized study utilizing subjects from a local hospital in Lima.

The study was divided into four phases and the 30 participants were placed into either a placebo or an intervention group. The intervention group was given 300mg of anthocyanin from purple corn extract for three weeks.

The researchers discovered that in mild-to-moderate hypertensive men and women, the administration of 300mg of anthocyanin from purple corn resulted in a drop in arterial blood pressure by up to 22 points. Previous studies suggest that purple corn may reduce oxidative stress, help fight inflammation and reduce arterial blood pressure.

Bottom Line: Incorporate dark purple fruit and vegetables to aid in the fight against oxidative stress and improve blood pressure. In addition to purple corn, common fruits and vegetables rich in anthocyanins include blueberries, black grapes, raisins, blackberries, plums, purple cabbage, eggplant, purple cauliflower and purple potatoes.  

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