Thursday, November 19, 2015

Lengthen Your Lifespan with Lifestyle Changes

The lengthening of telomeres has been shown to alter the effects of health, stress management, longevity and social support. Telomeres protect the ends of chromosomes and directly affect aging. Normally, the length of telomeres shortens with age. However, the results of a study published in The Lancet Oncology validated the scientific discovery that telomeres have the ability to lengthen in accordance with positive lifestyle change. This is significant given that telomere shortening increases the risk of chronic disease, and lengthening of telomeres may prevent chronic disease and lengthen lifespan.

In a five-year study, researchers followed thirty-five men with end-stage prostate cancer to take a closer look at the relationship between the implementation of positive lifestyle changes and telomere length. Ten of the thirty-five patients adopted a plant-based diet (rich in fruits, vegetables, unrefined whole grains, and low in fat and refined carbohydrates); moderate exercise for thirty minutes per day, six days per week; and exercises in stress-reduction, such as yoga-based stretching, meditation and focused breathing. The twenty-five remaining patients were not asked to make lifestyle changes.

The study found that the ten men who made lifestyle changes experienced a ten percent increase in telomere length. The twenty-five men who did not make lifestyle changes had telomeres that were three percent shorter than the men who changed their lifestyles. The results of this study show that positive lifestyle changes are directly correlated to longer telomere length, which promotes health and longevity.

Bottom Line: Positive lifestyle changes that encompass physical activity, social support, healthy eating and stress management can result in longer telomeres -- the part of chromosomes that affect aging. These results were demonstrated when participants followed a plant-based, whole-foods diet, engaged in moderate aerobic exercise, practiced stress management techniques and received weekly support through group counseling. 

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