Thursday, January 5, 2017

Goal Setting for Success

The New Year is a time when many people make resolutions on how to have a better and healthier year. While it is easy to make a resolution, for many, it is hard to stick to it and be held accountable to maintain it. Make your goals have meaning and direction by using the SMART technique for goal-setting success. SMART stands for:

Specific - Define your goals as a specific action or event.

Measurable – Making your goals measurable is key to tracking and accomplishing your goals.

Attainable – Your goals should be achievable to have success.

Realistic – Keep your goals challenging, yet simple enough to prevent becoming overwhelmed.

Time frame – Put a time limit on your goals to help you stay motivated to achieve your ultimate goal.

SMART goal examples are:

“I will eat two cups of fruits and vegetables with lunch and dinner five out of seven days for the next week.”

“Starting next week, I will run for 30 minutes, three days each week over the next month.”

Bottom Line: Be SMART as you set your goals for the New Year to stay motivated and on the right track. Follow your defined outline and you will be on the way to accomplishing your goals.

Visit Wellness Workdays for more information about our worksite wellness programs.

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