Tuesday, November 22, 2016

De-stress for Your Health

Everyone experiences stress from time to time. In fact, stress is a fundamental part of life that we could not live without. The right amount of stress provides the stimulation to keep us moving forward and keeps us safe in certain situations.

In our fast-paced world, however, many people feel like they are in a constant state of stress, and this chronic stress can negatively impact our health. When you are in a stressful situation the nervous system sends a message to the amygdala, the part of your brain that handles decision-making and emotions. The nervous system will start to release adrenaline and cortisol. This is your body’s fight or flight response. 

While this stress can be beneficial in certain situations, experiencing this reaction multiple times per day can quickly burn up energy, leaving you feeling less focused and productive. Chronic stress can cause the body to constantly activate the stress response, leaving the body and brain unable to reset hormones and inflammatory chemicals to normal levels, which leads to a strain on your immune system. 

Figuring out ways to better manage stress is a very key piece of self-care. Try these techniques the next time you are dealing with a stressor.

For stressors that are uncontrollable, try to adapt your response to the situation:

1. Remind yourself that you have successfully handled a similar situation before. 
2. Reward yourself after the situation is over. 
3. Make a list of similar situations and how you successfully handled them in the past. 
4. Reassure yourself that you will be fine regardless of the outcome.
5. Use relaxation breathing to control your physical response.

Manage stressors with a problem-solving approach:

1. Keep a detailed stress journal to identify your daily stressors. 
2. Brainstorm solutions to your stressors. 
3. Make a plan to deal with one stressor at a time. 
4. Execute the plan. 
5. Reflect on the results and start over if necessary.

Bottom Line: You do not have to live with chronic stress and ignoring it can severely impact your health. Activities such as yoga, meditation, relaxation breathing and exercise have been proven to help manage stress. If you are having difficulty managing your stress, speak with your doctor.
Visit Wellness Workdays for more information about our worksite wellness programs.

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