Thursday, June 24, 2010

Over the course of 10 years, an average of 4.95 billion dollars can be saved through well run worksite wellness programs!

Prevention! Prevention! Prevention!!

In a new report issued by Healthways Center for Health Research, researchers estimate that over the course of 10 years, an average of 4.95 billion dollars can be saved through chronic disease prevention such as those provided by worksite wellness programs.

The researchers used a method of forecasting called standard actuarial modeling, wherein they evaluated the progression of health care costs based on projected increases in demand. They concluded that preventing chronic disease progression after age 25 in only 10% of people born in 2008 would provide a savings of $180 for each individual for each year through age 64. And, they further estimated that if this strategy could be expanded to reach 25% of this population, savings would reach $470 per individual annually, representing a savings of approximately $945 billion over ten years.

It’s all over the news that healthcare spending is out of control and that prevention is a key factor in changing the landscape! The authors of this recent study report that decreasing the cost of care will ultimately come down to a substantial decrease in the demand for care, through reduction of chronic disease. Health care for people with chronic diseases currently accounts for 75% of the nation’s total health care costs, and this number is expected to increase. Logically, one of the best bets we have for decreasing our health care costs lies in preventative care, and management of chronic disease; exactly what we practice at Wellness Workdays!

There is a lot of evidence that worksite wellness strategies are paying off.

Employers who have implemented wellness programs for employees have experienced short-term medical cost savings three times more than how much they invested in the programs. (Baicker K, Cutler D, Song Z. Workplace wellness programs can generate savings. Health Aff (Millwood). 2010;29(2):304-311.) While it always seems to come down to money, it can’t be denied that healthier individuals lead more fulfilling lives, not only do they live longer, but the years are spent out of the hospital, enjoying the things that make life worth living. Do your company and your employees a favor; invest in worksite wellness programs and watch your spending go down and your employees’ happiness go up!

To read the complete story and review the findings click here

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