Wednesday, August 17, 2016

“Nudging” Your Way to Healthier Food Choices

Is it possible to change our food choices by making it more difficult to reach the less nutritious option? Studies suggest it is. At home, and particularly at restaurants, people are more likely to choose the healthy option when it is closer in proximity to them or presented first.

“Food nudging” is a new tool used to promote healthy eating in any setting. Think about that bread basket we all know and love; placing the bread basket further away at the table and ordering a vegetable platter to place closer to you is one example of food nudging. This theory works with the subconscious; you must reach past the healthy option in order to get the alternative. Another method is to place the more nutritious options on the table and leave the less nutritious options in the kitchen so you must physically get up and walk to the kitchen to indulge.

This isn’t to say that the alternative foods shouldn’t be eaten, however, they should take up a smaller portion on your plate. If you always reach for seconds, you may want to rethink how you set dishes on the table. Changing the location of dishes can encourage you to choose the closer, more nutritious option.

The impact of food nudging requires more research but offers a promising way to present a multitude of food options while guiding people to opt for the more nutritious choice.

Bottom Line: If you’re trying to make healthier food choices at home, try setting your table so that the nutritious option is closer and the less nutritious options are further away. This food nudging technique may help you enjoy the foods you love without overindulging.

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