Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The Potion for Proper Proportions

Meal planning and portion size are phrases we often hear. Outside of a list of items at the grocery store and roughly estimating serving sizes, what do they mean? Recent research shows that planning affects the quantity and quality of the food we eat. In other words, it is the first line of defense when striving to make healthier choices.

Planning gives us an opportunity to predetermine our portion sizes. Feeling satisfied with the amount of food we eat isn’t only physical; it’s psychological as well. When we are served large amounts of food, we eat large amounts of food; whether or not we are hungry or the meal is healthy. When meals are pre-planned, we are more likely to consume an appropriate portion size and eat more nutrient-dense foods, and less likely to contribute to food waste.

Knowing how much food we are going to consume before the meal helps to guide our feelings of satiety. In fact, feeling full is so intertwined with memories that even reminding someone of a recent meal will cause him or her to eat less. The feeling of fullness can be easily interrupted by a television show, so serving the proper portion and turning off the television are useful tools for the distracted eater. Those interrupted during a meal are more likely to feel hungry and eat more than they would have otherwise. When we break up the encoding of the memories we make while eating, it sets a size precedent for the next meal, causing subsequent meals to become larger.

Memories play such a vital function in our portion sizes that two to three hours after a meal, our feelings of fullness depend on how much we remember eating, not how much we actually ate. This means it is possible to retrain your brain to feel full after a smaller meal. Stop worrying about “shrinking your stomach” and focus more on making memories of your satisfying, perfectly portioned meal.

Bottom Line: Set the precedent for healthy food and portion sizes by preplanning your meals. Your mind and body will back you up.

Written by: Ariel Beaird, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern


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Keep Your Skin Healthy

Are you an avid label reader when it comes to food labels? You might read the nutrition or ingredient label to make sure what you’re eating is healthy for you and your family, but how about skin care products? Take a closer look at your lotions, deodorants and cosmetics to find out if what you're putting on your body is as healthy as what you’re putting in it.

It might seem like the products we use on our skin will wash off when we bathe, but the skin, our largest organ, is porous and absorbs a large portion of what we put on it. That means that these ingredients can make their way into our blood and lymphatic system. Become a savvy ingredient reader for your beauty products -- just like you do at the grocery store.

The United States has not passed a major federal law to regulate the safety of ingredients used in personal care products since 1938. The European Union, however, has placed regulations on over 1,300 chemicals for personal care products in the last twenty years. The Food and Drug Administration is a U.S. agency responsible for regulating what goes in our food and cosmetics. They allow companies to use their discretion when adding chemicals that are known to be harmful in the products that we spray on, bathe with and lather on our skin. This leaves the detective work up to the consumer. Keep in mind that just because it’s on the shelf doesn’t mean that it’s free of toxins.

So, what can you do? Be an informed consumer and familiarize yourself with the chemicals, preservatives, fragrances and colors that are known to be irritants, allergens and carcinogens. Look for certified organic and natural skin care products. Preservatives, dyes, petroleum derivatives and synthetic fragrances go by many different names. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t pronounce the ingredient, avoid it. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), Isobutyl Paraben (and all parabens), Phthalatates, Triclosan and Triclocarban are just a few examples. Down to Earth and Beauty Counter are two companies that stay up to date on ingredients that don’t belong in our skin care and body care products. They make a point to offer products that you can use with confidence.

You can find an extensive list of ingredients to avoid here and here.

Written by: Stephanie Coburn, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Right Omega-3 and Omega-6 Ratio

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are considered essential fatty acids. This means that although they are essential for human health, the body cannot produce them and we need to eat foods containing omega fatty acids.

Omega-3s are found in fish, such as salmon, tuna and halibut, and in nut oils like flax, chia, hemp, walnut and canola. The American Heart Association recommends eating fish (particularly fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna and salmon) at least two times a week.

Omega-6s are found in many commonly consumed foods including shortening, meat and dairy, as well as in oils found in processed foods such as sunflower, safflower, soybean, sesame and corn.

Omega-3 and omega-6 play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development. Omega-3 also reduces inflammation and may help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer and arthritis. Omega-6 helps stimulate skin and hair growth, maintain bone health, regulate metabolism and maintain the reproductive system.

The suggested healthy balance of omega-6 to omega-3 is in the range of 2:1 to 4:1. Some health advocates suggest even lower ratios. However, the typical American diet contains 14 to 25 times more omega-6s than omega-3s. Although omega-6 is considered a healthy polyunsaturated fat, studies suggest that higher dietary omega-6 to omega-3 ratios promote inflammation and appear to be associated with chronic disease risk.

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recommends adults consume 0.6% to 1.2% of intake as omega-3 and 3 to10 percent of intake as omega-6. These percentages are based on total energy intake that meets the needs of the individual.

So how can you increase your omega-3 intake and reduce your omega-6 intake? You can achieve this ratio by following a diet that emphasizes whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish, olive oil and garlic -- the Mediterranean diet is a great example. Studies show that people who follow a Mediterranean-style diet are less likely to develop heart disease. Choose more whole food options and try to reduce the amount of processed foods you eat.

Bottom Line: Reduce your intake of foods containing saturated fat -- meat, butter, cream sauces, fried foods and trans fats (hydrogenated fats) – which are found in many processed foods and can lead to inflammation. Focus on consuming a diet rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables, fish and healthy oils. If you are currently being treated with any medications, consult your health care provider before using omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acid supplements.

Written by: Stephanie Coburn, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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Turn the Music Up

Do you remember what Michael Phelps was doing minutes before his Olympic swim? He was listening to music. Athletes agree that listening to music can boost your performance and now scientists believe this as well. While music can only slightly affect your heart beat physiologically, it can dramatically affect your overall performance psychologically. Listening to upbeat music while exercising evokes a sense of euphoria and pleasure during the most grueling exercise. Associating what could be an exhausting and negative experience with a beloved workout song can completely change your perspective. Music with an upbeat tempo can serve as a distraction and positively impact our attitude towards physical fitness.

Adding a little music as students walk into an aerobics class can act as a pre-class stimulus, raising the heartbeat and revving the engines of the participants. Music prepares the students for the anticipated workout, and the participants sense of fulfillment and achievement are reportedly higher with the addition of upbeat music. Whether it is an aerobics class, spin class or a run outside, music keeps us motivated. Feeling more fulfilled during your workout can lead to better attendance and make it easier to turn physical fitness into a lifelong habit. Research has shown that relaxing music can have a sedative effect on group workout sessions and decrease fitness potential; in fact, silence would be more beneficial and stimulating for a workout than slow songs.

Bottom Line: The next time you are struggling to get off the couch and move, try putting together an upbeat playlist of your favorite songs. Music could make the difference when choosing to stay on the couch or getting you from the couch to a 5K.

Written by: Ariel Beaird, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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Wednesday, April 19, 2017

A Seven Minute Investment

Life is demanding and our ability to meet these demands can be impaired if we are exhausted and out of shape. High intensity circuit training or HICT can provide a convenient way to maximize the benefits of exercise without expensive equipment and an extensive time commitment. The program can be performed anywhere with only an office chair or step stool for assistance, making HICT an effective way to maintain physical fitness when time and money are short.

HICT is an efficient way to lose excess body fat because resistance training generates metabolic benefits that can last up to 72 hours after the workout has been completed. In other words the body burns its fuel more efficiently for up to three days and a seven-minute investment is all it takes. This seven-minute HICT workout is efficient and effective because it combines aerobic and resistance training. Depending on how intense the training is the workout can be repeated in seven-minute increments in any location. Historically, resistance and aerobic training are performed separately. While this is an effective way to maintain physical fitness, someone working more than a forty-hour week may struggle with scheduling a traditional exercise regimen. HICT is a great option for people who are busy.

The exercise circuit of your choice should promote muscle development by using large muscle groups to create resistance and aerobic intensity. It can be modified for each person’s fitness level, environment and safety. Each of the individual exercises last for 30 seconds with 10 seconds of rest between exercises, making the workout seven minutes. Here is an example of an HICT workout: 1. Jumping Jacks 2. Wall sit 3. Push-ups 4. Abdominal crunches 5. Chair Step-ups 6. Squats 7. Triceps chair dips 8. Plank 9. High knees 10. Lunges 11. Rotate up 12. Side plank. The exercises in HICT should be ordered so that opposing muscle groups alternate between rest and work, for example; an upper body exercise such as push-ups would be followed by a lower body exercise such as squats. Alternating different muscle groups allows sufficient time for the muscles to rest between exercises meaning performance and form are not sacrificed for speed and efficiency.

If you struggle to maintain physical fitness because life gets in the way, HICT may be the perfect option for you. After all, it only takes seven minutes to find out.

Written by: Ariel Beaird, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern


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Nutritional Yeast: The Two Tablespoon Powerhouse

Have you heard of people using nutritional yeast, but aren’t sure what it is or how to use it?

Nutritional yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, is a powdered yeast that is packed with vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. It’s considered a vegetarian supplement because of its B-vitamin content. While it can be purchased in a pill form, the focus is on the versatility of the powder form.

With only 45 calories per serving, it packs in six to eight grams of protein and four grams of fiber in only two tablespoons. That’s as much protein as a half a cup of most types of beans and lentils and as much fiber as a half cup of broccoli.

One serving also contains about 24 milligrams of magnesium and three milligrams of zinc. That’s 20% of your daily zinc needs. Magnesium is involved in almost 400 different functions including maintaining good heart, metabolic, mental, bone and digestive health. Zinc optimizes the metabolic performance of carbohydrates in the body to use them for fuel. This is important for your blood sugar, overall energy, immune health and weight maintenance.

Sounds pretty good so far, right?

But it’s really the B-vitamin content that makes this food such a powerhouse! One serving contains: 640% of thiamin, 570% of riboflavin, 280% of niacin, 480% of vitamin B6, 60% of folate, 10% of pantheonic acid and 130% of the vitamin B12 our bodies require every day. B-vitamins are important for body functions such as using carbohydrates for energy. Although these amounts sound high, B-vitamins are water-soluble so the body does not store excess nutrients as it does the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

One thing to keep in mind if you follow a vegetarian or a vegan diet, despite the high B12 content, nutritional yeast should not be your only source of this vitamin. Talk to your doctor about a supplemental sublingual form of B12 since the body absorbs it more efficiently.

How to use it: Sprinkle it on scrambled eggs, kale chips, over salads and sautéed vegetables, baked potatoes and popcorn, or use it like you would parmesan cheese on pasta dishes. Incorporating nutritional yeast can decrease saturated fat and cholesterol intake by swapping out cheese and butter. 

Some well-known brands of nutritional yeast include: Bragg's, Bob's Red Mill, Red Star, Frontier Naturals/Organics.

Written by: Stephanie Coburn, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Are You Weighing Yourself Down?

Walking into a gym can be intimidating. If you’re familiar with how to go through a series of strength exercises, targeting specific muscle groups, it can help put you at ease. Once you master the proper movement pattern using weight machines, you can progress to free weights, which engage more of the stabilizing muscles. Follow the how-to instructions on the machines to ensure proper alignment. If the instructions are not clear, ask a trainer or facility employee to further explain the proper range of motion. Be mindful of not letting the weight plates hit at the end of each repetition. The loud sounds can be disruptive to those around you at the gym. Also, focusing on where the weight is helps you focus on a smooth range of motion.

The chest press for targeting the chest muscles (pectoralis, biceps, triceps)
This machine mimics a push-up. In a seated position you will push the bar away from you. The seat can be adjusted so the bars are at the proper chest height. If you’re trying to build strength in these muscles, you can start with a low resistance. As you build strength, you can increase the weight.

Lat-pull down for targeting the back (latissimus dorsi and shoulder girdle)
This is a great machine to build strength if you want to progress to pull-ups. In a seated position, arms extended above you grasping the bar, pull the bar down to about shoulder height. Return to the starting position. If you are new to this machine, use an under grasp (palms facing you). This engages the biceps allowing you to engage more muscle into the exercise. You can also use the reverse pec fly or the seated row machine if your gym does not have a lat-pull down machine.

Overhead machine press for targeting the shoulders
Gyms may vary in whether a standing or seated overhead machine press is available. Position yourself so that, whether standing or sitting, the barbell is at a height where your arms are almost fully extended. Starting position is with the bar at about your chin or nose height. With palms facing forward you push the bar up, extending your arms. Exhale on the extension. Inhale as you lower the bar to the starting position.

Leg press for targeting the quadriceps, glutes, hamstrings and calves
The leg press is a great way to target all of these muscles if you only have time for a short workout. As you build strength you can move from the machine to body weight squats. In a seated, semi-reclined position you will begin in a squat, knees bent. Feet are squared about shoulder-width apart. Exhale as you push away from the base plate and inhale as you lower back to the starting position.

Cable biceps bar for targeting the biceps

Using the bar, versus dumbbells or free weights, allows you to slowly raise and lower the bar while avoiding a swinging motion. The cable machine can be customized – you can use a straight bar, rope or V-bar depending on your preference and what is available at the gym. In a standing position, hold the bar with arms extended down, palms facing out. Exhale as you lift the cable up and towards your body, like a bicep curl. Inhale and return to the starting position.

Cable triceps bar (or triceps push down) for targeting the triceps
Building strength with the triceps bar helps with push-ups and pull-ups. Just like the cable biceps bar you can customize your grip by using a straight bar, rope or V-bar attachment. While standing, position the bar so you can hold it with your arms at your side,elbows bent, palms facing out. Exhale as you press down until arms are extended. Inhale, return to the starting position.

Hanging leg raise for targeting the core and hip flexors
There is no weight to add or take away from this piece of equipment. Your legs will hang freely as you support yourself with your forearms and your back resting against the backboard. With legs extended, exhale and raise your legs up so your hips are at about a ninety-degree angle. Inhale and return slowly to the starting position. If a hanging leg raise is not available, traditional planks are an excellent alternative.

Written by: Stephanie Coburn, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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Are Juices Worth The Money?

The promise of a slim physique and toxin-free body may convince consumers to spend a pretty penny on pressed juices. Are juice cleanses and detoxes worth the money? There is no question the juicing industry has exploded recently and does not appear to be slowing down anytime soon. The cold pressed juice market is expected to grow globally to $845 million and domestically to $311 million in 2024. But do juice cleanses really provide the health benefits they claim to?

A juice cleanse regimen typically permits only juiced fruits and vegetables for a period ranging from a few days to a few weeks. Due to these restrictions, those who follow this regimen do not eat solid foods from other food groups. Juice cleanses provide very little fat and protein, which are two macronutrients needed for body function. Additionally, the process of making juice leaves fiber behind, a nutrient responsible for helping us properly digest food and feel full.

So, what does a juice cleanse provide? Over the course of a day, juices may provide a mere 1,000-1,200 calories since fruits and vegetables are not calorie dense. Restricting your caloric intake to this extent does not meet the average person’s needs of 2,000 calories. It is likely a juice cleanse could lead to temporary weight loss because it provides minimal calories, but it is not a suitable diet for weight loss. Lost weight will most likely be regained once a person returns to their usual diet pattern. In addition, a juice cleanse will not meet a person’s needs for fat and protein.

Bottom Line: Thanks to our kidneys and liver, our bodies naturally process and eliminate toxins on their own. A temporary juice cleanse will not magically “detoxify” or “cleanse the body of toxins.” The best type of diet for sustainable weight loss is a diet rich in whole fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains. Fuel your body with these nutrient-packed foods and skip the juice cleanse. Save money and opt for a more nourishing diet instead.

Written by: Melissa Kowalski, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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Monday, April 10, 2017

4 Key Elements of Well-Being Programs

The Happiness Factor. Economists at the University of Warwick found that employee happiness is in fact directly correlated with business productivity. Workers who responded that they are happy saw a 12 percent increase in productivity compared with those who were unhappy.

To bolster the happiness factor, businesses are prioritizing employee well-being by offering programs to stay physically fit, mentally healthy, socially stimulated and financially educated. There are four key elements to a comprehensive approach to employee well-being: physical, psychological, social and financial.

Physical Wellness should be one of the most straightforward issues to address. Prevention is better than treatment and less costly in the long term. Insurance and medical costs have a huge impact on corporate balance sheets, both when providing coverage plans and when dealing with lost productivity from sick days. Health insurance premiums have doubled in the US between 2001 and 2011. By making healthy choices easy, accessible and affordable in the workplace, employers can help promote behavior change. Consider offering free fruit at work, providing fitness incentives like cycle-to-work schemes, or contributing towards employee health care insurance packages.

Psychological Wellness starts with opening the conversation around mental health issues, particularly among millennials. Depression is the world’s leading disability, with approximately 300 million sufferers costing US businesses about $210 billion annually. Employers can address mental health challenges by training managers to spot early warning signs of depression, to identify opportunities for support and to direct employees to professional help services. An emotional health strategy that raises awareness, reduces stigma, fosters a trusting climate, and boosts participation in mental and emotional well-being programs can lead to a healthy workplace environment.

Social Wellness is fostered by ensuring workers are satisfied with the individuals they are working with. According to a 2012 Gallup poll, 50 percent of employees reported a stronger connection with their employer when they had a best friend at work. Team building exercises, outings and casual get togethers can create social bonds in the workplace. Emphasis on work-life balance can also lead to socialization among employees. Offering employees flexible schedules, telecommuting from home and increasing face time when in the office can help employees become more engaged with co-workers, their communities and family.

Financial Wellness and security can relieve employee stress. Money troubles often go beyond an individual’s actual compensation. Employers can offer advice on retirement, long-term financial planning, auto-enrollment savings plans and managing personal expenses. With 52 percent of employees reporting that their financial situation contributes to stress at work, employers should factor financial wellness into an overall corporate wellness program.

Wellness Workdays helps organizations across the country develop comprehensive well-being programs that address these four key areas. Contact us to find out how we can help you improve the health and well-being of your employees.


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Build Your Wellness Foundation on Good Nutrition

Avoiding employee burnout is an ongoing challenge for many employers. Organizations that promote healthy habits and positive emotional and physical behaviors can engage employees and maintain long term, sustainable company growth. 

When the obesity rates of US adults began to climb from about 30 percent in 2000 to almost 36 percent in 2010, large companies took proactive steps to keep employees healthy and active. These employers understood that managing health care costs meant helping employees manage factors like blood pressure, heart disease and other chronic conditions. Healthy eating, exercise classes and smoking cessation programs were developed to change employee behaviors. Junk food was targeted and many organizations began to remove vending machines containing sugary snacks and soda, offer fresh fruit in break rooms and create healthier cafeteria menus. 

Today, employers and employees better understand the direct correlation between what they put in their bodies and the impact it has on their work performance. A recent study examined how food affects day-to-day experiences and found that the more fruits and vegetables individuals consumed (up to seven portions), the happier, more engaged and more creative they were. Fruits and vegetables contain vital nutrients that foster the production of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that plays a key role in the experience of curiosity, motivation and engagement. These same foods also provide antioxidants that reduce inflammation, improve memory and enhance mood.

Even though many employees understand they need to eat healthy food to improve their well-being, they don’t always know how to change their habits. Eating healthy is often perceived as time consuming and expensive. And with all the food choices, it’s difficult to figure out what to eat. Even savvy consumers can be misinformed when it comes to nutrition.

In order to be successful, nutrition should be the cornerstone of every worksite wellness program. Organizations that partner with their wellness vendor to create nutrition-related programs can influence employee lifestyle changes and benefit from lower healthcare costs. At Wellness Workdays, all of our nutrition programs are developed and taught by master’s level registered dietitians. It’s one of our key differentiators. Find out how we can help your organization improve employee health by developing a solid foundation in nutrition. Contact us for more information.


Visit Wellness Workdays for more information about our worksite wellness programs.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Boost Motivation with Fruits and Vegetables

Need a motivation boost? Find the closest piece of fruit, eat up and enjoy your boost. A randomized controlled trial found young adults had improvements in motivation, vitality and flourishing behaviors, including curiosity and creativity, when they increased fruit and vegetable consumption.

During the study, college-aged students were split into two groups. One group was given fresh fruit and vegetables to eat and the other was given produce vouchers and sent text message reminders to use them. Overall, those given the fresh produce had increased positive feelings of well-being. Many people are aware that eating healthy reduces disease risk, but this new finding on psychological effects opens a whole new door. Similar to exercise, do fruits and vegetables release hormones that change moods and feelings?

Interestingly, the group given vouchers did not have any improvements in vitality, flourishing or motivation, despite increasing their fruit and veggie intake. One explanation for this finding is the group given fruits and vegetables were given a variety of high quality, raw produce; whereas the voucher group often used it for habitual/nonvaried items or cooked the vegetables inside foods (such as vegetable lasagna).

Could the positive results be from consuming only raw produce? Possibly, yet the increased consumption of fruits and vegetables did not end up affecting mood (positive or negative) in any group. Keep in mind that the study period was only two weeks, and the students were still under the recommended servings of five fruits and vegetables a day. Although more research is needed, this study demonstrates that the average American who is not consuming the recommended amount of fruits and vegetables could see psychological benefits by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables.

Bottom Line: We all know we should eat more fruits and vegetables every day. Motivate yourself to reach for some fresh produce instead of that bag of chips!

Written by: Kyla Greenwell, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern


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Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Running Tips and Tricks for Beginners and Beyond

For those who are not runners, starting to run can be intimidating. Remember that every bit counts, so don’t get discouraged -- stay positive! Starting off slowly is vital to building endurance and preventing injury. Days off for recovery are as important as running days. Try to make it fun -- enjoying your workout will keep you coming back for more.

For beginners, start off by walking and running at a 2:1 ratio, so for every 30 seconds of running, walk for 60 seconds. Try to complete about 20 minutes to start. Have a day of rest between run days. Each run should increase the amount of time spent running until you no longer need walking breaks. How fast you progress is up to you. You should feel some soreness but still have normal range of motion. Go for distance, not speed, and slowly increase the time spent running. Not sure how fast to run? Test yourself by talking. If you can hold a conversation without getting out of breath, but your heart rate is up, then you’re running at the right pace. The safest way to increase your distance is by a quarter mile per week. Stick with your plan of consistent runs three times a week and you’ll be running 5 and 10Ks in no time.

Where to Start:
New runners should start with walk/run intervals for the first week, giving the body a rest day between runs. Schedule the time and stick to it. Getting out for a run, even if it is short will help form the habit. To stay on track, follow a running program, setting weekly goals and recording progress.

Example training program: Coach Jenny Hadfield
Training Apps: Endomondo, Strava or Runtastic

Enjoy the Run:
Try anything to make it more fun. Get pumped up with music or catch up with friends and family. Stay entertained with podcasts or books on tape. Activities that focus your mind on something else will make the time go by faster. Try runs for charity or fun races like The Color Run. Remember to start slowly. This can be hard when you’re excited to make big changes, but a slow start helps prevent injury and makes for a better experience overall. If you enjoy it, you’ll want to keep doing it.

Find a race: Running In the USA
Run for charity: World Vision

Keep Good Running Form:
Proper form is the base of good running habits. Run tall and run forward, looking straight ahead while staying relaxed and loose. Having the proper form can be hard at first; it does take practice. Check in with yourself throughout the run to make sure your form is still good.

Proper Form: How To Run: Dos and Don'ts for Proper Running for Beginners

Now that you have the basics, all you need to do is get out there and do it! Here are additional resources to help you on your way to success.

Couch Potato to 5k
Map My Run
Run Keeper
Daily Mile

Running Group Support:
Cool Running
Meet Ups

Foam Rolling

Written by: Michelle Pearson, Wellness Workdays Dietetic Intern

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